(702) 832-0342
Estate Planning
Planning for your estate is more than just drafting a will. Our law firm provides comprehensive estate planning services that encompass everything from trusts to legacy planning. We’ll work with you to create tax-efficient strategies that protect your assets and minimize tax liabilities. Our experienced team is dedicated to helping you safeguard your legacy and prepare for a secure future. Schedule your consultation today.
We offer comprehensive services, including drafting wills, establishing trusts and providing guidance on tax-efficient strategies to preserve your legacy.
Revocable Living Trusts
Power of Attorney
HIPAA Waivers
Real Estate Deed Transfers
A/B Trusts
Pet Trusts
Grantor Trusts
Irrevocable Trusts
Asset Protection Trusts (NAPT, DAPT)
Qualified Charitable Trusts
Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts
NFA Firearms/ Gun Trusts